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Tag Archive for: #FilmFriday

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#Film Friday: 73 Questions with Sarah Jessica Parker

March 14, 2014
Recently, the amazing Sarah Jessica Parker took some time out of her day for an unusual interview with Vogue…
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#FilmFriday: John Travolta's Oscar Flub

March 7, 2014
We know that this is old in the world of viral videos and everyone is talking about it but, we can't resist…
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#FilmFriday: A Valentine's Day Secret Admirer Prank

February 14, 2014
Here's an opportunity to get a goofy head start on your weekend…
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#FilmFriday: Treat Social Media Like a Cocktail Party

January 31, 2014
Social media has been around for quite some time now, but that certainly doesn't mean everyone is fully comfortable using it…
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