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Tag Archive for: Starlight Children’s Foundation


Young Girl with Life Threatening Gastrointestinal Motility Disorder Designs Teddy Bear To Raise Funds For Starlight Children’s Foundation™ Canada

October 27, 2017
Five year old Starlight child Sloan created this year’s 9th collectible bear, available in-store and online through Toys“R”Us and Babies“R”Us Canada TORONTO, ON (October 26, 2017) - Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada in collaboration with Toys"R"Us, Canada has released their 9th Limited Edition Collectible Starlight Bear, designed and named after five year old Starlight child Sloan…
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Winnipeg Girl Diagnosed with Leukemia Will Receive a Three Minute Shopping Spree through Local Toys“R”Us, Canada store this October

September 12, 2017
Starlight Children’s Foundation™ Canada along with partner Toys"R"Us, Canada to provide eight Canadian families with a fun-filled escape away from the hospital, and their daily struggles with illness this fall…

Ottawa Boy Diagnosed with Leukemia Will Receive a Three Minute Shopping Spree through Local Toys“R”Us, Canada store this September

August 22, 2017
  Starlight Children’s Foundation™ Canada along with partner Toys"R"Us, Canada to provide eight Canadian families with a fun-filled escape away from the hospital, and their daily struggles with illness this fall…

Starlight Children's Foundation™ Canada provides ill Vancouver child with "3-Minute Dash" Through Toys"R"Us

March 2, 2016
Starlight Children's Foundation™ Canada provides ill Vancouver child with "3-Minute Dash" Through Toys"R"Us Canada’s leading toy and juvenile retailer continues support of Starlight Children’s Foundation™ Canada’s programming to brighten the lives of ill children and their families…
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