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Tag Archive for: executor


6 Fool Proof Tips To (Actually) Work From Home

June 22, 2012
I know a lot of bloggers, freelancers, and even everyday corporate people (including myself) who have the luxury of working from home occasionally…
FourPin+ Logo

Understanding Foursquare and Pinterest: FourPin+ Slides

June 19, 2012
As I mentioned yesterday, I have the pleasure of speaking about Foursquare and Pinterest tomorrow for Torstar Digital's University program! I'm taking this opportunity to provide you all with a sneak peek at the slides I'll be presenting with…
glass half

Late Film Friday: Snowball In A Box

June 16, 2012
I was so excited about sharing the app with you yesterday in App Attack, that I neglected providing you all with a film for Film Friday! ' I found this little gem today in my travels - it's probably one of the worst pitches I've ever seen done on Dragon's Den…
glass half

40% Chance Of Rain: What You May Be Missing

June 12, 2012
What do you automatically think when you hear the newscaster say: "40% Chance Of Rain"? Chances are: a curse word followed by a swift move to pick up the umbrella on your way out the door are in your near future…
glass half

The Die Hard Executor

May 31, 2012
In my eyes, there's 2 types of motivation behind employees in the workplace today…
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