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Tag Archive for: marketing


5 Sites I Recommend - Casie, Fourth Floor, Lena & More!

June 20, 2012
Over the lifespan of my time on the 'interweb', I've encountered a few sites I really think are worth looking at…
FourPin+ Logo

Understanding Foursquare and Pinterest: FourPin+ Slides

June 19, 2012
As I mentioned yesterday, I have the pleasure of speaking about Foursquare and Pinterest tomorrow for Torstar Digital's University program! I'm taking this opportunity to provide you all with a sneak peek at the slides I'll be presenting with…

The Importance Of Pinterest

June 18, 2012
  On Wednesday, I'm teaching a seminar on Pinterest for Torstar Digital's University program…

Ask Embrace Disruption: Twitter Engagement

June 17, 2012
Earlier this week, I opened up the option to submit your anonymous question - and I would answer any and everything that comes my way…

Late Film Friday: Snowball In A Box

June 16, 2012
I was so excited about sharing the app with you yesterday in App Attack, that I neglected providing you all with a film for Film Friday! ' I found this little gem today in my travels - it's probably one of the worst pitches I've ever seen done on Dragon's Den…
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