Top 10 #PRTips Of The Week: May 28, 2014
May 28, 2014
Here are our Top 10 PR Pro Tips for this week, selected from Twitter…
#FilmFriday: Treat Social Media Like a Cocktail Party
Social media has been around for quite some time now, but that certainly doesn't mean everyone is fully comfortable using it…
A Collection Of Our Favourite Marketing, PR and Business Infographics (+ a few others)
It's no secret that we're big fans of INFOGRAPHICS here at EDPR, so we thought it might be nice to take a moment to review some of the many we've posted over the years…
#FilmFriday: How Do I Start A Blog?
There's always so many questions that come to mind when you're about to start a blog…
5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Vine
(Img Source)
Vine, a popular app and social media network where you film 6-second clips, has created many mini-celebrities, such as Jerome Jarre…