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A Collection Of Our Favourite Marketing, PR and Business Infographics (+ a few others)

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It’s no secret that we’re big fans of INFOGRAPHICS here at EDPR, so we thought it might be nice to take a moment to review some of the many we’ve posted over the years. Check out the collection below and let us know your favourites in the comments!


INFOGRAPHIC: How Successful People Start Their Mornings | Embrace Disruption PR

July 24, 2017
It's always interesting to peer into the lives of those who we consider successful! We came across this fascinating infographic (below) that outlines seven things high achievers do every morning…

INFOGRAPHIC: Exercises To Do At Your Desk | Embrace Disruption Public Relations

July 17, 2017
Getting back into the grind on Monday can be difficult, especially because your body (hopefully) hasn't been confined to an office chair over Saturday and Sunday! We came across this excellent desk exercise infographic from Creative Bloq, that's meant for graphic designers, but really can be done by anyone who spends their day sitting at a desk…
INFOGRAPHIC - The Science of Superbowl Ads - FINAL

INFOGRAPHIC: The Science Of Super Bowl Ads | Embrace Disruption Public Relations

January 23, 2017
Super Bowl Sunday is just around the corner -- and we can't wait! Specifically, we're looking forward to the show-stopping halftime performance from Lady Gaga, and the dozens of new commercials bound to premiere in-between the quarters…

Infographic: The Straight Scoop on Ice Cream

May 30, 2016
Ahhh the summer temperatures have finally arrived! It's likely that you've already beat the heat with a scoop of ice cream over this past weekend, but have you ever found yourself wondering where your favourite frozen treat came from? Well, wonder no more with this delicious infographic from IceCream…

Infographic: Why Storytelling is the Most Effective Way to Engage

May 24, 2016
Much of what we do as public relations professionals involves developing stories to share about our clients…

Infographic: 21 Ways to Get Inspired

May 16, 2016
Mondays can bring on all sorts of obstacles: getting back into routine, curbing the urge to hit the snooze button and even finding the energy to get back in the gym for the week…

#FUNFACTS About Valentine's Day (INFOGRAPHIC)

February 13, 2015
Many of us will be celebrating tomorrow's day of love, whether with a significant other or a good bottle of wine…

How To Make Your Day More High Energy (INFOGRAPHIC)

January 26, 2015
Ok, so it's extremely obnoxious when someone greets you on Monday morning with "Have a case of the Mondays?" How satisfying would it be to reply with a simple, "Nope, feeling fantastic!" Popular magazine Redbook has put together a list of things you can do to improve your energy levels throughout the week, making the sluggish Monday start a thing of the past…

Valentine's Day by the Numbers (INFOGRAPHIC)

January 19, 2015
With Valentine's Day less than a month away, we found ourselves wondering just how much is spent each year on the holiday of love…

10 Job Titles That Barely Existed 5 Years Ago

September 29, 2014
It's always intriguing to take a look back over the years and see just how much the world has changed…

The Creepy Calculations of Halloween

September 8, 2014
If you have been following our blog lately, you'll know that here at EDPR we are very excited for Halloween…

How To Optimize Your Google Searches

August 21, 2014
We all know how to use the Internet to search for what we want, right? Generally we get what we are looking for pretty quickly and carry on with our day- but every so often we get stumped and spend an hour or two (sometimes more) of wasted time looking for content…
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Take A Stand: The Effects Of Sitting At Work

August 18, 2014
Why is it that after spending all day sitting at work, we often come home completely exhausted, wanting nothing more than to sit down and watch our favourite episode of Sex and The City? While the answer to the latter is obvious (the epic Carrie and Mr…

Mark Zuckerberg vs. The Average 30-Year-Old

August 4, 2014
In 2004, as a Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg helped launch social networking site, Facebook, out of his dorm room…
The importace of paper

What You Never Knew About Documents [INFOGRAPHIC]

July 28, 2014
Going paperless is a business and lifestyle trend that peaked a few years back, however not everyone is on board with this environmental movement…

Secrets Of A Killer Blog Post [INFOGRAPHIC]

July 21, 2014
Blogging has become a standard component for the communication plan of many brands…

Adults vs. Teens: How We Use Social Media

July 7, 2014
It goes without saying that social media is here to stay, but…
info graphic

How Do You Define PR? [INFORGRAPHIC]

June 23, 2014
With the introduction of the internet, smart phones and social media, a lot has changed in the public relations industry…
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