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Why Social Is A Powerful Tool For Entrepreneurs

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Today one of my Facebook friends (we’ll call her Erin) decided to do something really genius. She is in the process of creating a brand identity for her fashion company and found herself stuck on choosing between 4 different variations of her logo. Rather than hum and haw about which version looked best to her, she took to Facebook and enlisted the opinions of her friends.

Social is starting to play a really key factor in a lot of start-up businesses, and Erin has quickly recognized it’s importance. By throwing out her work into the ‘social sphere’, she was able to garner several opinions (mine included) – but more importantly, she got perspective from the people who matter most. You see, likelihood is that the demographic of her product(s) is closely aligned with that of her Facebook friends. Her eventual consumers are undoubtedly going to be people just like those in her friends list.

Obviously not every company can take advantage of this grass-roots approach due to confidentiality, etc. But what Erin demonstrated today was knowledge that testing your market is paramount to gaining perspective and achieving greater success. Having people with a vested interest in us only a click away provides such a unique opportunity to grow, evaluate and dominate within our independent ventures.

Today Erin reminded me just how powerful social can be, and what an integral part it plays in the businesses of the future. Food for thought!

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