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Client News: On Brink Of 40th Anniversary, CLGA Invites Artist’s Unconventional Take On Gay Text

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 7, 2012



TORONTO, ON – Alberta-based artist Matt Gould seeks to challenge the perception of men, art, and gender with his textile exhibition, “words, wit, wisdom and wool” at the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives opening December 7, 2012.

As the last exhibit before their 40th anniversary in 2013, CLGA board member Karen Stanworth hopes to attract new members of the community to Gould’s exhibit. “The media and messages that Matt Gould conveys in his exhibit are both thought-provoking and relevant. We’re looking forward to seeing the reactions of those that come to our opening, and encourage the public to take part in a truly innovative form of LGBT history.”

Gould has been using textiles for over 15 years after being inspired by the button blankets of the West Coast Tribes of Alaska. His use of rough wool, fine silks and linens provides a unique platform to convey his messaging. “I am interested in words. Being a playwright and visual artist, using language has deep meaning for me. Finding words and images that inspire is the main thrust of this exhibition.” Gould comments.

The CLGA has a long history of ‘pushing buttons’ by exhibiting thought provoking and controversial exhibits that question gender, identity and LGBT histories. Most recently, the CLGA exhibited their first-ever live stream installation in accompaniment to their online and physical exhibit,

“Words, Wit, Wisdom and Wool” opens for public wine and cheese viewing at the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives on December 7, 2012 at 7:30pm. Gould’s exhibit will run until January 21, 2013.


About Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives:

Established in 1973, The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives aids in the recovery and preservation of LGBT histories. Its mission: to acquire, preserve, organize, and give public access to information and materials in any medium, by and about LGBT people, primarily produced in or concerning Canada. To support this function, the Archives also maintain significant non-archival collections, which include a research library, international subject files, and an international collection of queer periodicals. It is the CLGA’s mandate to make this information available to the public for education and research. Over the years, the CLGA has helped hundreds of people – students, artists, journalists, lawyers, filmmakers complete numerous projects inside and outside of the LGBT community.


Twitter: @CLGArchives


About the Artist:

Multi-faceted award-winning artist Matt Gould was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The impulse to create has always been a motivating force in his life and he has found expression through painting, drawing, singing, acting, writing, stage directing, design and fibre art. Gould has lived in Toronto, France, Vancouver, Mayerthorpe, as well as cruise ships in Alaska, the Caribbean, New York and Bermuda. Gould currently resides in Red Deer, Alberta. His visual art is found in a numerous corporate and private collections across Canada and Europe as well as in the United States. Gould has also had the privilege of illustrating Joy Kogawa’s book “Naomi’s Road”, Kipling’s “Rikki Tikki Tavi” as well as Cora Weber-Pillwax’s “Billy’s World” which appears in both English and Cree.

For interview requests or high-res photography, please contact:

Cory Stewart
Embrace Disruption PR


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