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Toronto startup Helpling launches $25 per hour online home cleaning service

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Global platform aims to mop up the residential cleaning market in the GTA

TORONTO, ON (December 9, 2014) - Helpling, a global web-based platform for booking home cleaning services, has officially launched in Toronto this month. After a rapid expansion across Europe, the company has entered the North American market with a location-based full-service solution that allows customers to find home cleaners in just a few clicks. At a transparent $25 per hour rate, the service is one of the most competitively priced in the Canadian market.

With the growing success of location-based service solutions being offered across Canada, such as taxi-services and food deliveries, Helpling enters the market at a crucial time. 1.6 million Canadians are outsourcing their home cleaning (Statistics Canada, 2013)  and the demand for the service is expected to increase due to growing high and dual-income households and the ageing baby boomer population.

According to a Helpling estimate, 95% of residential cleaners in Canada are currently working in the shadow economy, posing risks for both customer and cleaner. Helpling’s platform has significant potential to change the underground culture of home cleaning by incorporating standardized testing, criminal record checks, liability insurance and an electronic payment system for proper documentation of transactions. Screen Shot 2014-12-09 at 11.29.40 AM

“Helpling’s mission is to deliver full-service, effective and trust-worthy home cleaning to busy Torontonians. We want to remove the stress of booking a home cleaner for our customers by providing a reliable and legal way to get the job done,” says Helpling country manager Blake Connoy. “With a simple web-based booking system and competitive pricing, we’re confident Helpling is the best solution for residential cleaning in the city.”

How it works

Customers can book a Helpling in just three easy steps: enter their location, make an appointment and pay securely online. The service costs a transparent $25 per hour (including taxes) and will match consumers with a local cleaner in mere seconds. After the service is complete, customers are instantly able to save, rate and re-book their cleaners, adding another layer of convenience to the service. Helpling personally interviews and tests all cleaners and requires a criminal record check before listing partners on the platform. All cleaners are also insured.

After recently receiving $17,000,000 USD in the first round of funding, Helpling has set up headquarters in the heart of downtown Toronto. In the coming months, Helpling plans to expand to other major cities across Canada.

For more information, photos or interview requests, please contact:

Cory Stewart | Embrace Disruption PR

o: 416.963.9857 e:

About Helpling:

Helpling Canada is a fast-growing company based in Toronto. The company’s mission is to make home cleaning services conveniently accessible to customers at a very transparent hourly rate. Launched in Toronto in December 2014, Helpling is an online platform for booking cleaners quickly. The service is also available in Germany, where the global headquarters are based, as well as Austria, France, Sweden, Italy, Brazil, Spain and the Netherlands. Helpling is supported by Rocket Internet, the world’s largest internet incubator.




Instagram: @helplingca

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