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Film Friday: ‘presents’ Kickstarter For Gifts

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Crowd sourcing is one of the biggest trends to hit the web since well, social networks. So it’s not a wonder that savvy entrepreneurs Seema Lakhani and Timothy Leung have come up with a solution for those looking to crowd source their gifting.

“PastFuturePresent is a website that allows anyone to set up their own custom registry with any items or experiences they may want. Guests can then contribute towards the items in set increments. The registry host then receives the contribution amount in cash, along with getting to see who contributed to which items.”


With the holiday season right around the corner most people turn to the gift giving/receiving side of things as a way to avoid the stressful family gathering and travel arrangements. This creative avoidance then leads to new stress, “What do you get that picky person on your list?” or “How am I going to travel with all these parcels back home?” Thankfully PastFuturePresent has the solution. Best described as a hybrid between a registry & a fundraising drive, PastFuturePresent provides the opportunity for people to sign up (for free) and create a list of items & experiences for their friends and family to contribute to via credit card. Then the gift receiver can log in to see who help fund which items and cash out whenever they want. Be sure to check out their blog!

Whether it’s for a birthday, the holidays, or even a wedding – PastFuturePresent has presented a new and innovative approach to gifting that offers a win-win to it’s users.

Introducing PastFuturePresent from Seema Lakhani on Vimeo.

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