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In an age where it seems there are social media sites popping up every few clicks, there is a need to be different and stand out in order to drive traffic. Musicians, bands and brands have chosen as their ally in their fight to be noticed. Lending from the best parts of other popular sites, Baboo melds these aspects together to create a unique interactive experience for users. Much like popular pin board site Pinterest, Baboo is by invite only; a prospective user must provide an email address to the site in order to be granted access. The Baboo advantage is that invitations are sent out in a matter of minutes/hours as opposed to days or weeks.

A Modern Twist on an Ancient Art Form

Once a user garners access to the site they are met with ‘shelves’  of available or soon-to-be-opened Baboos. The designs of these Baboos should look familiar; they are the digital representations of ancient Russian nesting dolls. Each Baboo is full of layers (commonly 3-5) that a user can go through to unlock exclusive content such as mp3s, videos, pictures and more from their favourite singer or movie. Currently the site has 5 Baboos available while there are 16 more waiting to be ‘filled’ if enough people ‘want’ the content.

But what does a user have to do to get this exclusive content? Simple really, just answer questions related to the artist and/or your Internet usage habits. These questions may seem simple but really, they provide the artist, their management or marketing team (in the case of brands/movies) important information about their fans to best tailor content for them or connect to them better in the future.

Key to Success Nested Within the Site Design

One of the critical success factors for the Baboo model is user engagement and traffic. The best way to have fair market data is to have a large sample of the market complete the survey. Baboo ensures the brand has that large sample by requiring a user to share the Baboo on their Facebook or Twitter to access the last layer of any Baboo. This serves two purposes, lets other fans out there know that their favourite musician or brand has exclusive content out there waiting for fans to unlock it and, it raises awareness for Baboo itself, hopefully meaning more musicians and brands will use it in the future.

What do you think: would you use Baboo if it meant exclusive content from your favourite brands?

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