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Four Reasons We Love Autumn In Toronto

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The fall is arguably one of the busiest seasons for Torontonians. Beyond the usual madness that includes shipping the little ones off to school and returning from those delightful va/stay-cations, there is a ton of activity building within our city! Here’s a few we guarantee you won’t want to miss:



(Image via)

August 16 to September 22, 2013

A ritual for many, the CNE continues to be a destination for Torontonians as they prepare for the end of the summer. Go for the campy rides, dirty (in a good way) food and ample amounts of entertainment. Don’t forget to try out the Sky Ride, we hear it’s worth lining up for!

Toronto International Film Festival


(Image via)

September 5 to September 15, 2013

A no-brainer, really. See and be seen at our nation’s top film festival, highlighting some of the best films from around the world! Whether you go to catch a flick, or just to star-seek – the city will be filled with all sorts of glamour!

Toronto Fashion Week


(Image via)

Rumoured to be October 21 – October 25, 2013

Our beautiful city continues to ramp up its fashion influence with a chock-full week of Canadian design. We’re looking forward to attending this fall (as of writing, the dates are still not confirmed), and can’t wait to see what some of our favourite designers will have in store for the upcoming season!

Scotiabank’s Nuit Blanche

Nuit Blanche

(Image via)

October 5, 2013

Mark your calendars and make sure to roam the streets on the evening of October 5th! The festival’s website says it best, “Experience Toronto transformed by more than 110 contemporary art projects created by hundreds of artists. This year’s event will feature a variety of independent projects, three curated exhibitions, and a centrepiece installation by world-renowned artist Ai Weiwei of China.”

That rounds up our four must-do activities this autumn, do you have any to add to our list?

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