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Author Archive for: Danica Forshner

About Danica Forshner

This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Danica Forshner contributed a whooping 11 entries.

Entries by Danica Forshner

What Facebook #Hashtags Mean for You and Your Business

Have you noticed #hashtags on your newsfeed lately? Well 20% of Facebook users have. Facebook is set to launch the hashtag feature to all users in the coming weeks and later on mobile devices. So what do hashtags mean for you and your business? Well, there will be the usual #Imustfitinasmanyhashtagsaspossible friends you may have […]

#FilmFriday: Are You Addicted to a TV Show?

In case you don’t know, The Game of Thrones ended its third season this past Sunday, but how could you not? It was all over social media. Fans did not hesitate to share in their outrage regarding the direction the show took, especially after the “Red Wedding” episode. If you haven’t seen these tweets, check […]

#WeeklyDisruptor: Accomplished Entrepreneur, Ross Simmonds

Each week at Embrace Disruption we introduce you to an influential person in the digital, blogger, arts, culture, film, or media world! Every Thursday, you can check back at EDPR to find out who we think is particularly amazing at ‘embracing disruption’ within their respective industries. This week, we’d like to introduce you to entrepreneur […]

8 Tips For Branding Yourself On LinkedIn

If you are new to LinkedIn, you probably know how overwhelming it can be. It’s one of those places where you are scared to make a mistake because really, there are potential employers and head hunters on there you need to impress. Or, if you’ve had LinkedIn for some time now, perhaps you need to […]

Film Friday: Will Smith Brings Us Back to Bel Air With The Help of His Friends

Last Friday, a video circulated  of Will and Jaden Smith appearing on The Graham Norton Show, bringing back some nostalgic memories for us here at EDPR. Smith, along with the help of son Jaden, Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton)  and a DJ sang the infamous Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song and ended with the even […]

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