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What Facebook #Hashtags Mean for You and Your Business

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Have you noticed #hashtags on your newsfeed lately? Well 20% of Facebook users have. Facebook is set to launch the hashtag feature to all users in the coming weeks and later on mobile devices.

So what do hashtags mean for you and your business? Well, there will be the usual #Imustfitinasmanyhashtagsaspossible friends you may have to scroll through, but it will also open up new opportunities for businesses to track their products.

With the new Facebook hashtags, businesses can promote a certain hashtag for fans to use when discussing a product and can follow the conversation in a separate pop-up window. Rest assured, if your privacy settings are share with “friends only” than your hashtags will not be shared in the pop-up window.

According to Facebook’s Greg Lindley, there are more features coming, ”Hashtags are just the first step to help people more easily discover what others are saying about a specific topic and participate in public conversations.”


‘We’ll continue to roll out more features in the coming weeks and months, including trending hashtags and deeper insights, that help people discover more of the world’s conversations.”

It looks like Facebook’s hashtags are going to be similar to the way they are used on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, but with an opportunity to go over the 140 character limit. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement that is the hashtag, but it’s good to be mindful of how many you use and when, whether you are a business or not. A good rule of thumb for businesses are to use the hashtag when it’s relevant and never more than two or three at a time.

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