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Tips For Conducting A Great Phone Interview

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Recruiters are constantly finding new ways to connect with job seekers, and some of the methods in which companies conduct interviews have changed. Phone interviews are quickly becoming a norm for a lot of top firms, and it’s increasingly important for people to conduct themselves appropriately in this format. Today’s post is written by guest blogger Paula Jae  of Paula is a 23 year old blogger and a social media enthusiast who is happily living a reality outside of her comfort zone.

When job hunting, the two least certain aspects are the job interview and the phone interview. You have to ace these aspects (or nearly so) to convince your interviewer that you’re the man (or woman) for the job—whether the job is for a pharmacy technician, pr exec, life insurance agent, or a medical transcriptionist.

So how do you prepare for the interview? Here are some essentials, according to

  • Approach the phone interview as if it were the face-to-face interview itself.
  • Ready your resume and cover letter and have them on hand for the phone interview.
  • Prepare bulleted notes.
  • Make sure your phone is working properly and its audio quality is excellent.
  • Freshen up and dress appropriately (it’s for the psychology of the moment—the interviewer won’t see you, of course).
  • Stand up (people literally think better on their feet).

As you would for the face-to-face interview, research all the important things to know about the company, memorize the key deliverables given in the job description, and rehearse your responses based on those deliverables.

Bear in mind that the phone interview is the face-to-face interview, minus the video. In many ways it’s a dress rehearsal, so you have to dress for the part. By primping yourself up, you’re putting yourself in the correct frame of mind and even more important, endowing yourself with the psychological stature of the best person for the job.

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