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#WeeklyDisruptor: Co-Founder of DevTO Inc., Joallore Alon aka. @clickflickca

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Each week at Embrace Disruption we introduce you to an influential person in the digital, blogger, arts, culture, film, or media world! Every Thursday, you can check back at EDPR to find out who we think is particularly amazing at ‘embracing disruption’ within their respective industries.

This week, we’d like to introduce you to digital content/imaging specialist and co-founder of DevTO Inc., Joallore Alon (or as you may know him, @clickflickca)!


1.    What’s your official job title, and where did you go to school?

My official job title is Digital Content and Imaging Specialist. Co-founder of DevTO Inc. and dabble in Social Media consulting. I went to George Brown College for Advertising and Graphic Design.

2.    Elevator pitch. Describe yourself in a nutshell (or sea shell, or
any shell for that matter).

I’m a social instigator that will spur conversation at any moment.

3.    Why did you pursue what you’re doing now? What was the inspiration?

I like to think outside of the box. Creatively be different.

4.    What is the best part of your day-to-day? 

Everyday is a great day! The opportunity to engage with people daily!


5.    What’s the most challenging?

Being able to coordinate a busy schedule. I have myself in multiple disciplines and balancing life would be the most challenging.

6.    If you took a look in the cliché crystal ball, what do you see for

A life of continuous learning. It’s always important to continue to learn and evolve.

7.    How do you embrace disruption in your work and personal life? 

Disruption is key to making a brand/personality standout from the crowd. Being able to deviate from the normal contributes to the creative and artistic curiosity.

8.    What is the most memorable moment in your career?

Receiving and award for “HomeTown Hero” from Red Cross for use of Social Media and more importantly sharing the importance of learning CPR.

9.    Do you support any initiatives or charities?  

I definitely support the Red Cross, The Heart & Stroke Foundation and The Daily Food Bank and local charities in Toronto.

10.    Tell us what you see yourself doing at 65 years old.

Tweeting and Eating!

11.    Just for fun: if you had to pick one app in the whole APPVERSE, what
would it be?




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  1. […] does this guy sleep!’ which you know if I’m thinking that means someone is super active. Joallore Alon, better known as ClickFlickca online is active as a disruptor and marketer all over Toronto. He’s […]

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