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Ending Your Internship: How To Make A Lasting Impression

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Now that we’re in the final weeks of August, summer interns are preparing to head back to school. It is time to pack up your desk and say your goodbyes. Before walking out the door though, here are some things you should keep in mind.


After a summer’s worth of work, what have you learned? Think back to all the responsibilities you were tasked with during your internship and what you’ve learned. If it helps, set up a meeting with your manager to discuss the progress you have made. This is a good opportunity to review your strengths and weaknesses, outline any achievements, and go over on any areas that need improving. If you had goals set for yourself at the start of the internship, reflect on them and marvel at what you’ve achieved.


Be resourceful and keep your options open. Letting your company know that you are open to future job opportunities will keep you in their mind if a position pops up. PR companies often hire their full-time employees through previous interns because they are already aware of their work habits and what they are capable of. Even if you plan to venture out and work at another company, it never hurts to have the extra option.


Don’t slack off during your last days with the company. Even when all you can think about are those last days of summer you get to enjoy when work is over, being sloppy with your responsibilities will leave a bad impression. Be consistent with the quality of your work, particularly if you plan on using members in your company as a future reference.


Never leave the office on the last day without saying anything. It comes off as unprofessional and it makes you look bad. Say goodbye to everyone you have worked with this summer and thank them for their patience and guidance!


It is always good to keep in touch with your superior and other employees you’ve collaborated with. Check back with them every once in a while to see how things are, perhaps even a coffee date? You can talk about the projects their company is currently working on or what you have been up to professionally as well. Also, managers are the way to go if you ever need professional advice or some mentoring. Building a mentor-mentee relationship can definitely help through your professional journey. With social media so accessible, it is easier to stay connected. Just be aware of what you are posting and who are seeing your posts!


What you take away from your internship will stay with you throughout your career. If you are going back to school, use your new skillset to your advantage. What you have learned during the summer will help you understand what is being taught in the classroom. This works both ways. Think about what you are learning from the books and apply that to the real world. Knowing how to apply and utilize your knowledge is everything.

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