Top 10 #PRPRO Tips of The Week: April 23, 2014
Here are our Top 10 PR Pro Tips for this week, selected from Twitter. Remember to submit your own PR pro tip using the hashtag #PRTip or #PRTips. Your tweet could be featured here next week!
Don’t exaggerate. Get your facts straight. If one of the claims you make is not true, the pitch quickly loses credibility. #PRtips #PRpitch
— Polongo PR (@PolongoPR) April 22, 2014
Review plans regularly, says @dawn_lou79. What’s going well & not so well? There’s no shame in changing tack to ensure great results #PRTips
— Tribe PR (@TribePR) April 22, 2014
Stay passionate and hardworking but don’t get too busy for the important things and people in your life. #prtip #life #workhard
— Rachel Laitala (@rachmariepr) April 18, 2014
BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE! Prepare for a crisis before it happens. Create a list of potential problems & develop a plan of action. #PRtips
— Sabrina – Blu Lotus (@BluLotusPR) April 14, 2014
The subject line of your email pitch should be less than eight words. Simplicity wins. #PRTips
— Aneela Rose PR (@AneelaRosePR) April 14, 2014
prtips The last thing ppl want to hear when they meet you is your life story or why your biz is the best. Relax. Ask about them. prtips
— LAKSH JINDAL JINDAL (@danuxrodh_regmi) April 22, 2014
Bloggers are going to be more likely to respond to your email if you take 30s to find & use their name #PRtip
— Sarah Worsham (@sazbean) April 21, 2014
#PRTip – The difference between persistence and chasing is timing.
— McCollins Media (@McCollinsMedia) April 21, 2014
Don’t always rely on email – sometimes you just need to get on the phone, it’s more immediate and can help you develop relationships #prtips
— Cerub PR (@CerubPR) April 22, 2014
There are no days off when it comes to public relations. Consistency is essential & key in the PR world. #prtip
— Samantha Jordan サマンサ (@_SJordan) April 21, 2014

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