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A Guide To Dressing In Public Relations

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Days spent working in PR are never the same. Whether meeting with clients, attending media engagements, or even hammering out reports at the office, you have to be prepared for anything. You always want to look your best while working, but it’s not all about wearing top designers or following all the latest trends; it is about displaying a certain level of professionalism. Since personal presentation is a crucial part of succeeding in public relations, we’ve come up with some basic PR Fashion guidelines.



1. Keep it classy.
• Toronto summers can get pretty steamy, but that’s no excuse to show too much leg or too much cleavage.
• Even if your office is casual, make sure your toes aren’t exposed and your heels aren’t sky high. Client expectations can differ from those of your office.
• You always want to make a lasting impression, but don’t be known as the ‘perfume-bather’.



2. Attention to detail.
• A manicure is a great way to appear ‘polished’ (pun intended!); but if you don’t have time, bare is better than chipped.
• Avoid that ‘just rolled out of bed’ look (even if it’s the case) show your locks some love: even a sleek bun will do!
• A tailor should your new best friend, there’s nothing worse than loose threads, rips or stains.



3. Always be prepared.
• You never know what your day may entail, always be prepared for a last minute meeting by keeping sharp blazer at your desk.
• Make sure you’re always prepared with both flats and heels at your disposal.

4. Neutrals are your friend.
• Save the heavy eye shadow, fake eyelashes and sparkly blush for your night on the town with your friends. When it comes to makeup, natural is always best.
• Also, neutral doesn’t have to mean black and white. Colors can be fun, but keep it toned down. You’re not starring in a Broadway show!



5. Let your personality shine! 
• Accessories are a great way to amplify any outfit. A statement necklace is a great way to take it to the next level.
• Demonstrate your attention to detail and pride in yourself through how you show up to work – it will leave a positive impression with coworkers and clients.

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  1. […] Making sure you have talking points,  relevant visuals for your contact’s use, and (yes) a put together appearance are important factors when heading on your first media […]

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