Top 10 #PRTips Of The Week: October 1st, 2014
Here are our Top 10 PR Pro Tips for this week, selected from Twitter. Remember to submit your own PR pro tip using the hashtag #PRTip or #PRTips. Your tweet could be featured here next week!
Success leaves clues. Study other successful people to learn what they do and what they know. #PRTips
— Cyndy Hoenig (@CyndyHoenig) October 1, 2014
Did you know there are more than 300,000 #podcasts that are in need of new #content? #getBooked #PRTips #OnlineMedia
— Zarstar Mom (@zarstardesigns) October 1, 2014
According to @MuckRack survey, 70% of journalists want to be pitched before 11 am. #prtips #mediarelations
— Raschanda Hall (@raschandahall) September 30, 2014
PR Tip of the day: Be a sponge! Take it all in, retain it, and release it productively. #PR #PublicRelations #PRtips #tipoftheday
— Kayla Turpin (@KaylaTurpinPR) September 29, 2014
#PRtip Be polite and respectful to media at all times; that one certain person could make or break you down the line ; ) #PRTips #media
— Anderson Media Group (@TAMGPR) September 29, 2014
Be curious about everything. Curiosity is good for your career and your work with clients or your employer. #PRTip
— Leonard & Finco (@thePRexperts) October 1, 2014
A blog post should be 300-400 words. We are living in what I call, The Jetson Era". Everyone wants everything instant including news. #PRTip
— Samantha Jordan サマンサ (@_SJordan) September 30, 2014
Want to send a press release out? Find out who the best person is for you to contact, and get in touch with them directly #PRtip
— LexRex Comms (@LexRexComms) September 29, 2014
Write for people first, then SEO. #PRTip
— Katie Bromley (@KatieRBromley) September 26, 2014
Listening & observing is crucial. Without being knowledgeable about your client, you're ignorant to what you're actually saying #PRTip
— Laiza (@lzixxaa) September 23, 2014

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