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Five Tips To Keep Kids Virus-Free As They Head Back To School

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Leading child health expert and pediatrician Dr. Dina Kulik shares tips to keep your children healthy as they head back to school this fall

TORONTO, ON (July 25, 2017) - With September just over a month away, parents are beginning the yearly tradition of preparing their children to head back to school. Beyond the usual August clothing and stationary shopping, it is important to take extra measures to educate children on how to avoid getting sick, as some kids can contract up to 12 colds in a calendar year. To help limit sick days this fall, Dr. Dina Kulik, medical director of North America’s first all-in-one medical and dental facility Kidcrew, shares five top illness prevention tips for back to school.


1. Hands off the mug.

As tempting as it is for kids, it’s important for them to avoid touching their face, eyes and nose throughout the day. Hands come in contact with millions of germs, particularly at school, says Dr. Kulik, making this one of the most common ways for viral and bacterial infections to get started.

2. Wash those mitts.

Teach your child to wash their hands often — this includes after using the toilet, after recess, and before and after eating. Make hand washing fun (and effective) by encouraging kids to sing “Happy Birthday” the full way through before finishing scrubbing and turning off the tap.

3. Stop the sharing.

Of course, kids should be encouraged to share in class and on the playground, but the practice should stop when it comes to meal time, says Kulik. Avoid sharing cups, food and utensils to prevent infection, and try to keep your child’s food items labelled clearly in their lunch bags.

4. Consider the shots.

Dangerous illnesses like chicken pox, influenza and measles pop up far too often in school environments over the fall and winter months. Consider vaccinations to fend off the contagious diseases before the whole family is forced home sick.

5. Eat the rainbow.

Incorporating a well balanced, nutritious diet of vegetables, fruits, grains and protein is extremely important in fighting off and preventing illness. Making sure to satisfy thirst with water (rather than sugary drinks), and ensuring kids get 10-12 hours of sleep per night largely contributes to maintaining a healthy immune system.

Although it’s inevitable that your child will get sick at some point while back at school, these helpful tips will hopefully keep the sick days to a minimum! For more child health information, visit Dr. Dina’s blog at


For more information, republishing or interview requests, please contact:

Cory Stewart, EDPR, p. 647.638.1586, e.


About Kidcrew:

Kidcrew is a forward-thinking clinic focused on patient experience, family centered-care and wellness for children and families of all ages. From pediatricians, to allergists, neurologists, sport medicine doctors and gastroenterologists, we have your family covered from head to toe.






About Dr. Dina Kulik:

Dr. Dina Kulik completed her Pediatrics Residency and Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children, where she is a Staff Physician. Dr Dina is one of Canada’s leading child health media experts, providing child health information through television, radio, print media and via her blog Above all, Dina’s greatest joy is her family and being the mom of three crazy boys.






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