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App Attack: The BEST Photo Collage App, Free!

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Whether it’s a friend showcasing a new outfit on their facebook feed, or a collection of similar images aggregated into one photo – collage pictures are everywhere. I’ve spent a lot of time going through all the available apps in the iTunes store and came across ‘Photo Collage Free’. Ok, so they didn’t really get creative with the name – but who cares! This app does the job in a simple and user-friendly way.


The app lets you choose from several different layouts. After selecting, you have the option to fully customize the experience with height and width adjustments and corner shaping. There’s the ability to add effects to your photos if you upgrade – but if you don’t want to pay, just use instagram for the photos before you make your collage. There’s not a lot of bells and whistles to this app – but that’s what makes it so good. It’s not confusing, and simple to operate. I can definitely see this as a great alternative to photoshop on the go – or even for creating graphically stimulating slides for a presentation.


Download Photo Collage Free here – and tell me what you think! Are there any photo collage apps you recommend?

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