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5 Best Magazines That Restored My Faith In Print

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Over the weekend, I decided to take a trip to my local beach. Enroute, I thought I’d put together a little lunch for my family to enjoy in the sun. After canvassing the aisles of my grocery store, I came to a realization that (GASP!) my iPhone was about to die! I’m cursed with the constant fear of not having something to read/stimulate my mind while ‘relaxing’ – so I did something I haven’t done for at least a year: I visited the magazine aisle! After some digging, I found 5 magazines that completely fit the bill – and thought I should share them with you:



1. Fast Company

Fast Company is a full-color business magazine that releases 10 issues per year and focuses on technology, business, and design. Fast Company’s current editor is Robert Safian, who previously worked with Fortune, Time, and Money. The magazine has won numerous industry awards. (source: Wikipedia)

I really loved sifting through the pages of this magazine: it was a super easy read. Plus, it had a lot of great article insights on innovation in the tech and start-up world. Article of note? The Pivot.




2. New York Magazine

New York is a weekly magazine principally concerned with the life, culture, politics, and style of New York City. Founded by Milton Glaser and Clay Felker in 1968 as a competitor to The New Yorker, it was brasher and less polite than that magazine, and established itself as a cradle of New Journalism. (source: Wikipedia)

Being that New York is one of the handful of places that I think makes up the centre of the universe, it’s only natural that I would show huge interest in this mag. Not only are there pieces about NY culture and life, but also some great business articles and current events. Reader be aware – this magazine is TEXT heavy, so get your reading glasses! Article of note?  Hello, I Am Sabu…



3. Strategy Magazine

strategy™ uncovers and shares the “bold vision, brand new ideas” of Canada’s national marketing community. They deliver on this tagline via the monthly strategy magazine, strategyevents, as well as various initiatives with industry partners – from the CASSIES to their presence at Cannes. (source:

This magazine is always delivered to my office – and I look forward to reading it cover to cover monthly. It’s important to keep an eye on all innovation within the Canadian market, and strategy serves as a great digest for all the hottest insights. Article of note? McDonalds Transparent Fast Food Mission.


4. Toronto Life

Toronto Life is a monthly Canadian magazine about entertainment, politics and life in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Toronto Life also publishes a number of annual special interest guides about the city, including Home Decor, Stylebook, Eating & Drinking, Real Estate and Weddings.(source: Wikipedia)

A little under-rated, but a reading necessity for Torontonians – heck, for Canadians! There’s plenty of relevant content that’s focused on the ‘hub’ of Ontario, but also some great value for readers across the nation. Article of note? Trouble In Condoland.

Image Source:



5. Forbes

Forbes needs no introduction – and I think we all know the article of note on this one.. everyone take a moment of silence, this marks the first time Justin Bieber is mentioned on Embrace Disruption. Read the article here.


What about you? Do you have any magazines you simply MUST read each month? Share them in the comments!

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  1. [...] Company (one of the only magazines I still buy a paper copy of) recently asked social industry leaders what they thought were the fundamental rules of social [...]

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