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5 Tips For Brand New Bloggers

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I had a lot of unanswered questions when it came to first starting my site. From traffic generation to basic design, I was literally starting from scratch. Here’s a few small tips to help point you in the right direction during your first month of blogging:

1. Use WordPress: All in all, the options are endless with WordPress hosting. You get a fairly seamless user experience, and unlimited customization based on your theme choice. Google is your best friend when building out your first blog – any question you have will have an answer living somewhere on the internet.


2. Don’t Get Hung Up On Design: I could spend HOURS re-tooling my site, and certainly did. That said, once you have something functional and somewhat aesthetically pleasing, it’s far more important to focus on your content and iterate on design down the line.


3. Post New and Relevant Content: Don’t constantly talk about the same stuff over and over – that certainly won’t give your readers any reason to come back. Find your focus, but make sure you diversify.


4. Be Consistent: There’s nothing worse than an  ‘occasional’ blogger. As a reader, it’s easy to get frustrated and give up, or even forget about a blog if they aren’t posting regularly. Make your mark, and keep contributing to your audience!


5. Stick It Out: Consistent blog traffic is never built in a day. Sometimes it can take years to attract the kind of desirable traffic you’re after – so keep at it. The reality is, blogging should be something you’re passionate about – as with anything in life, if you’re passionate: success will follow.


Do you have any tips for bloggers starting out? Share them in the comments!

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