What To Consider When Planning Your Social Media Strategy
This post could easily turn into a novel’s worth of material, as there are many factors and tactics that can (and should) be employed when working in social. Here are 5 things that you need to consider either on your own, or with the help of a qualified PR firm.
Before you start anything (whether it’s a new campaign or you’re just jumping into the ‘socialsphere’), it’s important to know what your audience wants. Spend some time watching your networks and understanding the people within them. This will help when deciphering your strategy and execution.
There’s plenty of different ways to engage people in social – popular methods such as prizing and contesting are often used by brands to build their following. That said, it’s important to remember that the types of followers and ‘likes’ acquired with contesting may not be the kind of people you’re looking for. You want people who are genuinely interested in you, your business and your brand – it’s important that your efforts reflect and attract this.
“Go big, or go home!” continues to be the motto here at EDPR, and it should apply to you when approaching social. Respond to EVERYONE, address problems quickly, and remember that being on Twitter or Facebook is kind of like being at a 24-hour cocktail party (without the cocktails, and with EVERYONE watching you). Be smart, social and approachable and remember: don’t just talk about yourself.
Transparency is key both in life, and online. Don’t underestimate people, and try to lure them with cheap tactics (ie. contesting) – because any savvy person will see right through you. Not to say that contesting is necessarily a bad thing, but it’s one piece of a very large apple pie. Oh – and never lie, it will come back to haunt you. Things you say online are forever, and even after deleting, you never know who snagged a screenshot.
The beauty of social media is it’s name – it’s social. You should always have a good time, while incorporating your witty, funny, fabulous personality (or your brand’s) into everything you do/post/tweet.
If all else fails, remember to return to the age-old question: “Why are we here?”. It will help you maintain focus and achieve your desired results. For help on building out your social strategy, creating a content calendar, and designing smart social solutions, you can always reach out to us at EDPR – we’re here to help you surpass your social objectives.
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