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Behind Neuromarketing: Why Your Mind Is Already Made Up

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A couple of weeks ago we stumbled across an article on neuromarketing, and found it absolutely fascinating. After doing a bit of research on the topic, we thought we’d share some learnings:


Simply put, Neuromarketing uses neuroscience to understand the ‘secrets’ of the human brain so that marketers can tap into the minds of the consumers to better market their products to them. In fact, 95% of a person’s thoughts, emotions and learning occur before we are aware they are happening. (Source:  Neuroscience Marketing, Fast Company)

So the truth is, before that celebrity even opens their mouth to tell you why their weight loss program is working for them, or how their new shampoo is, chances are your brain has already formed opinions on the celebrity, the brand and the products. The real question is, how do you combat something that is seemingly out of your control?

A study conducted by Neurolabs at Neurofocus offers the following insights:

  • People prefer images with rounded edges to those with sharp edges.
  • People don’t seem to like human images without a head so PLEASE find those mannequin heads and reattach them!
  • Men are more apt to listen to the features a product offers, women want a deal (they are more sensitive to price changes)

People may seem like they’re into something but their brain tells a different story. They often don’t emotionally connect with ads even if they find them funny at the time; meaning the ad won’t be remembered after a short amount of time.

Fast Company recently published an article with their tips for better neuromarketing:

  • Speak more to how a product will better a consumer’s life, then just why it is a good product
  • K.I.S.S. Method – the tried and true method of ‘keeping it simple’ applies here. Short meaningful statements are better than pages of copy any day
  • Visualize – people subconsciously connect with pictures and other visually appealing aspects of products/marketing before they read the words to go along with them. Make those visuals as appealing as possible.
  • Start Strong, Finish Strong – Our brains pays the most attention to what happens at the beginning and at the end of a pitch, make those your strong points.
  • Play on Emotions – tap into how consumers feel, that way any connections created will be more meaningful and deep as opposed to just a surface conversation.

So there you have it, some tips and tricks to make the most of neuromarketing for your business!

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