How To Build The Perfect Tweet: INFOGRAPHIC
With only 140 characters to convey your important thoughts and ideas you best be on point and not spouting nonsense. Unfortunately, this may be harder than it seems. But never fear, has compiled this blueprint (below) to guide us in our keystrokes.
Here are some key points:
- Make sure you’re spelling things correctly (duh); no text speak or missed punctuation. Use your own voice, with a professional delivery.
- Hashtags are your friend, use them to draw in non-followers to your content.
- If you’re adding a link, SHORTEN IT! A shortened link (like a takes up less space, leaving more room for the MESSAGE.
- Always leave around 20 characters blank so people who RT can add to the tweet!
- Make people WANT to share your tweets, make them engaging and include a call to action.
So there you go, all the tips required to make your tweets A+ share-able material.
A version of this post by Gerry Moran appears here
Thanks for sharing this! I need to follow these tips more often, especially talking about leaving room so people can RT and add to it, as well as shortening my links more often that I do. Great tips!!