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Client News: Torstar Digital Employees To Build A New Business In Just 54 Hours During 2nd Annual Startup Weekend

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TORONTO, ON – From Thursday April 11, 2013 to Saturday April 13, 2013, Torstar Digital employees will have a chance to pitch, create and launch a new business in just 54 hours during their 2nd Annual Startup Weekend. In partnership with Startup Weekend Toronto, this voluntary experience is a chance for employees company-wide to collaborate and contribute to diversifying and enhancing Torstar Digital’s growing portfolio of businesses.

Startup Weekend is a global organization with initiatives continuing to garner entrepreneur interest around the world. Last year, Torstar Digital partnered with Startup Weekend Toronto to be first at bringing this event into a Canadian corporate environment.

Chris Eben, founder of Startup Weekend Toronto, who will be mentoring during this year’s initiative comments, “In the past, Torstar Digital has been a great support to Startup Weekend Toronto. It’s been my pleasure to assist with bringing such a globally successful concept into a progressive organization such as Torstar Digital. I look forward to witnessing more of the innovation and creativity that was present at last year’s initiative.”

The event will kick-start with a keynote from Wattpad founder, Allen Lau and quickly progress into a ‘pitch’ session in which employees will be able to share their new business ideas with the weekend’s participants. The ideas will be voted upon, and participants will be divided up into teams to develop the top new business ideas.

Seema Lakhani, Torstar Digital’s Director of Strategy and New Ventures said, Torstar Digital’s vision statement is to be Canada’s most entrepreneurial digital company. This event speaks to that vision. The goal of the event is to promote the entrepreneurial spirit amongst Torstar Digital employees, give employees an opportunity to build new business and meet new people across the organization. It’s also a great way for Torstar Digital to identify great new opportunities and businesses.” 

At the end of the weekend, all teams will present their venture to a judging panel of prominent Canadian venture capitalists and leaders from the startup community including: Andy Yang (Extreme Startups), Bram Sugarman (OMERS Ventures), Candice Faktor and Matthew Leibowitz (Plazacorp Ventures). While the winning team will walk away with $5000, the real prize will be the opportunity to see their concept further developed and potentially turned into a real Torstar Digital portfolio business.

About Torstar Digital:
Leading the charge in Canadian digital innovation and investment, Torstar Digital was founded in 2005 to provide leadership in digital media for Torstar Corporation and is building a portfolio of leading digital businesses that serve both Canadian advertisers and audiences, developing cutting edge technologies, and creating a centre of excellence for digital talent.  Torstar Digital’s current portfolio of leading digital businesses includes, eyeReturn Marketing, Olive Media,,,,, ShopCatch and web2mobile.

Twitter: @TorstarDigital

About Startup Weekend
Startup Weekend was founded by Andrew Hyde in July of 2007 in Boulder, Colorado. In June 2009, Marc Nager and Clint Nelsen purchased Startup Weekend from Andrew and restructured it as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit. Shortly after, Franck Nouyrigat joined as the third Director. Startup Weekend quickly became a nexus for early stage startup activity in communities across the globe. By the end of 2010, Startup Weekend had built a network of over 25,000 alumni, 150 volunteer organizers and 60 trained facilitators spread across more than 100 cities in 30 countries. In September of 2010, Startup Weekend received a grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, allowing Startup Weekend to come closer to reaching its potential in attempting to understand the unpredictable science of successful entrepreneurship.

For interview requests or photos, please contact:
Cory Stewart
Embrace Disruption PR

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