#WeeklyDisruptor: FASHIONIGHTS.com Lifestyle Contributor, Daniel Desforges
Each week at Embrace Disruption we introduce you to an influential person in the digital, blogger, arts, culture, film, or media world! Every Thursday, you can check back at EDPR to find out who we think is particularly amazing at ‘embracing disruption’ within their respective industries.
This week, we’d like to introduce you to Daniel Desforges, lifestyle contributor for FASHIONIGHTS.com!
1. What’s your official job title, and where did you go to school?
I am the Lifestyle Contributor for FASHIONIGHTS.com which is one of Canada’s top 8 most influential Fashion & Lifestyle blogs as rated by Elle Canada. I attended Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario and graduated in 2007 with my Honours Degree in Mass Communication.
2. Elevator pitch. Describe yourself in a nutshell (or sea shell, or any shell for that matter).
I try to not take life too seriously. I find joy in the simple things like food, wine, love and laughter. I like to think I can stay ahead of the trends in all those areas and enjoy exploring everything the great city of Toronto has to offer now that I have returned for good. Life is what you make it, and I try to make it the best I can each and every day.
3. Why did you pursue what you’re doing now? What was the inspiration?
Julio Reyes is the founder of FASHIONIGHTS and is one of the most successful people I have ever known. Originally he captured my heart when we became a couple, and shortly after he captured my attention as a contributor for all things food and lifestyle. You can say that my reason to write is the love I have for the topics which I cover including Daniel’s Dish, my new restaurant column. But my inspiration is and has always been my love for Julio and my admiration for him.
4. What is the best part of your day-to-day?
I am so blessed to a part of a huge entity like FASHIONIGHTS and the best part of my day to day is the new faces and places I get to see as a part of the media. Some of the greatest friends I have are due largely in part to the events I attend on a daily basis and the people I get to interact with. I love my job! But I love the people more! It’s why I am inspired to write each and every post.
5. What’s the most challenging?
Dating the boss! Drawing the line between my relationship and my professional life with Julio can sometimes be challenging. Somehow we always manage to find the perfect balance between the two. I love working with him, but I don’t always love how harsh he can be when he edits my posts.
6. If you took a look in the cliché crystal ball, what do you see for yourself?
Five year plan? I am married, settled in New York (The Fashion Mecca of North America) with the man I love and the blog we have made into a global brand. But as long as I have love and I am inspired to keep writing, I will be happy no matter where we end up or what we end up doing.
7. How do you embrace disruption in your work and personal life?
I do my best to maintain organization, but the fashion and food worlds are far from that! I’m constantly juggling my day and night, answering emails, tweeting, instagraming, facebooking and emailing some more. We are in high demand and that means chaos comes hand in hand. But I excel under pressure and like to think I do it all with a smile on my face. I’d rather be busy then bored.
8. What is the most memorable moment in your career?
My very first event with Julio at the launch of Restaurant Buonanotte. That first flash of the camera in our face and hob knobbing with celebrities and the very best of the blogger world, I still remember thinking how glamorous my life had become. And I could just tell that my dreams were finally starting to come true.
9. Do you support any initiatives or charities?
I love supporting charity and believe that it is everyone’s duty to give back to causes that deserve attention. It is especially important when you are in the public eye and can use your influence over a large audience to do some good. Movember is my primary charity as I had a very serious prostate cancer scare and The Canadian Cancer Society. I always do what I can when I can for these charities.
10. Tell us what you see yourself doing at 65 years old.
Sitting on a beach in Barcelona, Spain enjoying my retirement and the most beautiful city in the world.
11. Just for fun: if you had to pick one app in the whole APPVERSE, what would it be?
Instagram. THAT is the app that I excel in and adore. There is something so intriguing about the whole process and I love each and every one of my followers. Plus I’ve been told I’m quite entertaining! @DoTheDaniel, check it out!

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