Top 10 #PRPro Tips Of The Week: Jan 8, 2014
Here are our Top 10 PR Pro Tips for this week, selected from Twitter. Remember to submit your own PR pro tip using the hashtag #PRTip or #PRTips. Your tweet could be featured here next week!
Why PR coverage should be quality over quantity – but often isn't #PRtips
— Remarkable Group (@RemarkableGroup) January 7, 2014
50 Proven #PR Tactics to Generate #Media Coverage for Your Business #publicrelations #prtips
— Richard Glynn (@RichardGlynn) January 7, 2014
Respect others' time. And they will respect you and yours. #PRTips #PRRockStar
— Cyndy Hoenig (@CyndyHoenig) January 4, 2014
RT @CyndyHoenig: When at a networking event, talk to strangers. Take every opportunity to meet someone new. #PRTips
— PR Diva (@PRDivaBlog) January 5, 2014
4 Ways to find the best person to pitch & promote your campaign! #PR #PRTips
— RAW Marketing (@rawmrktg) January 4, 2014
#PRTips 5 tips for building a great client/agency partnership #PublicRelations #PR #AgencyLife
— C Moore Media (@CMooreMedia) January 7, 2014
Pitching For New PR Pros: The Magic Is In Understanding Who, Not Just How #PRTips
— Magnet Creative Mgmt (@MagnetCreative) January 7, 2014
Why it pays to hire a copywriter #PRtips
— GuestPublicRelations (@GuestPublic) January 6, 2014
#PRTip: Scrutinize. Strategize. Think on your toes. There’s always more to the story!
— See.Spark.Go (@seesparkgo) January 7, 2014
PR Tip #99: Some PR consultants got into communication because they're bad at math. REAL PR pros add, subtract, divide AND analyze! #PRTip
— Delta Media Inc. (@DeltaMediaPR) January 7, 2014
Thanks for sharing my 50 tips Danielle. Appreciate it.
Thanks for stopping by Richard! We really enjoyed reading your tips