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#WeeklyDisruptor, Our Very Own Fashionista & Budding PR Pro, Vivian Kwong

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Each week at Embrace Disruption we introduce you to an influential person in the digital, blogger, arts, culture, film, or media world! Every Thursday, you can check back at EDPR to find out who we think is particularly amazing at ‘embracing disruption’ within their respective industries.

This week, we’d like to introduce you to our very own EDPR team member, Vivian Kwong! Vivian has been expertly assisting EDPR with a number of duties including contributing to our daily blog, mastering our Twitter presence and working on account management. Sadly, we’re sending Vivian off to McMaster for another year of school – but look forward to having her back for special events throughout the course of next year!

vivian weekly disruptor

What’s your official job title, and where did you go to school?

I am a Junior Publicist intern at Embrace Disruption PR! I am currently still in school, about to go into my 4th year of undergrad at McMaster University. I am studying a double-degree in Multimedia and Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour.

Elevator pitch. Describe yourself in a nutshell (or sea shell, or any shell for that matter)

Lover of life, foodie, shopaholic, thrill seeker, perfectionist. I’m okay being labeled as any of those things! I am a true believer in living for the moment and experiencing all I can at least once. Life passes by too fast to do anything but.

Why did you pursue what you’re doing now? What was the inspiration?

I have come a long way in choosing a career path. I always had an interest in fashion, social media and public relations. It didn’t occur to me until recently that I can make a career out of it!

My inspiration comes from the things and the people I surround myself with. When I look at successful individuals, I like picturing myself in their shoes. When I’m in the city, I am always looking up at the big company names. Everything around me pushes me to work harder toward the life I want for myself. I think it is important to always have something to strive for.

What is the best part of your day-to-day?

My favourite part of my day-to-day is being faced with new challenges. I love going to work knowing I will be tasked with something different and will be learning something completely new. Another favourite is reaching out and connecting with all kinds of people through social media!

What’s the most challenging?

The most challenging is keeping on top of everything. A lot of the times, I will have multiple things to do at once, but this is also why I love doing what I do!

If you took a look in the cliché crystal ball, what do you see for yourself?

I see myself juggling a family and a successful career doing what I love. That and travelling lots, obviously.

How do you embrace disruption in your work and personal life?

I love change and I see constant disruption as a must. It’s a necessity, especially when it comes to work because it keeps things moving forward. I can get bored very easily so I’m always on the lookout for something new and inspiring!

What is the most memorable moment in your career?

I am still pretty new to this, but the most memorable moments come from seeing the immediate effects of my work. Whether someone liked a blog post I wrote or responded to my tweet, it’s these small thrills that get me excited about what I do

Do you support any initiatives or charities?

I am a big supporter of animal rights. Being responsible for another animal’s life is a privilege that is often disregarded and it’s not fair that animals have to suffer for our inhumanity. I would love to work with organizations like Mercy for Animals Canada and Animal Justice Canada in the future!

Tell us what you see yourself doing at 65 years old.

I see myself well-travelled, surrounded by loved ones, and hopefully, able to look back on my life without regret. I will probably be laughing about something silly with my significant other at a local coffee shop, and just enjoying the small, invaluable moments.

Just for fun: if you had to pick one app in the whole APPVERSE, what would it be?

INSTAGRAM. I can spend an abnormally long time choosing between two filters that look the same and get wildly excited when someone likes my photo. I am completely aware of this little obsession of mine.

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