Canadians Connect: How We’re Using The Internet
This post originally appears on Views From 590, a blog that Embrace Disruption PR founder, Cory Stewart regularly contributes to.
We came across this fascinating INFOGRAPHIC that really details some of the interesting internet usage within our nation. It doesn’t take more than a moment’s notice in any social situation to realize mobile is a driving force in our community. Here’s some great takeaway stats from the image below:
General Statistics
- 27.4 million Canadians are online (that is 80% of the population!)
- 17.2 hours are spent on the internet a week
- 93% go online for product information
- 44% use online videos more than they did last year
- 25% would give up TV over their smartphone
- 64% have a profile on a social network
- 79% of Canadians don’t leave home without their mobile device
- 97% use their phone at home
- 83% use mobile on the go
People are using their phones in businesses:
- 77% use mobile in stores
- 77% use mobile at the workplace
- 72% use mobile in restaurants
- 56% use mobile in airports
- 60-70% of Canadians are on mobile
- 80% are on a smartphone
- Smartphone searches to regular phone: 60:1
- 86% of smartphone users notice mobile ads
57% have performed a mobile search after seeing an ad. Compare to:
- TV: 49%
- Shop: 47%
- Magazine: 39%
- Billboard/poster: 32%
Image courtesy of

It’s great to see Canadians so involved and connected through social media! Almost everyone has the internet at the tip of their fingertips at all times now, which is huge!