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5 New Years Resolutions You Should Keep For 2013

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A version of this post originally appears on Views From 590, and is written by EDPR founder, Cory Stewart.

As you approach yet another year, it’s important to identify a few key items that you’d like to focus on improving at work. Even the best of us can fall behind on efficiency at times – but what’s really crucial is realizing your weaknesses, and working towards making them your strengths.

We’ve compiled a list of 5 things that you can implement immediately to start your year with a bang!

1. Meet with your boss and co-workers

Understanding what your boss and coworkers think about your current performance is of utmost importance. Make sure you have regular meetings to discuss what’s going well, and how you can improve (or make other’s jobs easier). You’ll find when you take the initiative to start these discussions, it sparks a better office morale – and perhaps even some gratitude from your co-workers!

2. Set realistic goals

There’s no point in setting goals that you know you can’t reach. Look towards the future with an open mind, and refer to past data and performance to effectively decipher what you think you can accomplish in the new year. Keep in mind that quantity isn’t always better than quality, and burning yourself out is not something that you or your employer desires.

3. Get organized

Tackle that filing cabinet, organize your computer files, clean up that desk, and clear out that inbox. Although we may not always realize it, a cluttered environment can take real effect on your job performance. Cleaning up and getting organized will help you keep a clear head to focus on your work.

4. Be more accountable

It’s simple really: if you say you’re going to do something, do it. Whether it be a follow up email to a colleague, or a monthly report – you want to make sure you establish yourself as someone who follows through. Not only will the person you’re connecting with appreciate it – but you’ll feel a genuine sense of satisfaction for completing these tasks.

5. Follow the empty inbox rule

At the end of each day, go through your emails and make sure you’ve responded to every one of them. If you can’t provide answers right away, write back and assure the sender that it’s on your list – and you’ll be responding in the coming days. Everyone appreciates reciprocal correspondence, and you’ll be admired for being on top of things.

We hope you can integrate some of these tips into your everyday work life, and wish you only the best in 2013!



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