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8 Tips For Branding Yourself On LinkedIn

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If you are new to LinkedIn, you probably know how overwhelming it can be. It’s one of those places where you are scared to make a mistake because really, there are potential employers and head hunters on there you need to impress. Or, if you’ve had LinkedIn for some time now, perhaps you need to beef up your profile with your newly acquired skills.

LinkedIn is a tool that needs to be updated regularly, so you remain relevant. Here are some tips to help you in creating the best LinkedIn profile that fits your style, industry and accurately reflects all that you can do!

1. Job Title (Headline): Whether you are a student, assistant, intern, consultant or CEO, you should accurately state what your present position is, or what you are capable of. It is acceptable to put your job title, example: Public Relations Assistant at (insert organization here). Or you can try a catchy title that will set you apart from others, such as “Social Media Engager”, but make sure you are in fact everything your headline suggests.

2. Summary: This will determine whether a potential employer will continue to scroll down to your resume or not. This summary must show your personality, your achievements, your education background and job experience all in a couple of sentences! What you say in your summary should all be backed up by the rest of your profile.

3. Past Job Experience: Don’t be afraid to showcase your achievements in the workplace. Remember that this profile is showing potential employers what you can do, so don’t be shy! There should be your title, organization and a description of what that job entailed. Keep it brief and to the point. There is a add on for projects completed. This is a perfect chance to showcase your talent.

4. Education: This is an important aspect, because you need the credentials to back up your experience. Some organizations are looking for that formal training, where others are more concerned with your experience. There is a section where you can add your courses, this is a great idea because it shows potential employers what exactly you did to earn your degree, diploma or certificate.

5. Skills: Choosing a select amount of skills that you are FULLY functional with is a good call. This shows your strengths and the value you would bring to an organization. However, this can also be a damaging thing if you select way too many skills, leaving the potential employer feeling unsure if you are aware of exactly what your skills are -no one is perfect!

6. Profile Photo: Undeniably one of the most important aspects of your profile is the photo. This allows the potential employer to see who you are and a glimpse at your personality. Stay away from photos that show too much skin, have other people in the photo, or show alcohol.

7. Recommendations: Don’t be shy in asking a previous employer or coworker to endorse you on your LinkedIn profile. This adds credibility to you, so potential employers know that others agree with what your profile says about you!

8. Engage: By regularly using LinkedIn to discuss articles of interest in your line of work, joining industry groups or charity organizations makes you an industry influencer. And who wouldn’t want to be that?

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