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A Collection Of Our Favourite Marketing, PR and Business Infographics (+ a few others)

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It’s no secret that we’re big fans of INFOGRAPHICS here at EDPR, so we thought it might be nice to take a moment to review some of the many we’ve posted over the years. Check out the collection below and let us know your favourites in the comments!

Meet my mistress.

Computer Shopping: Does The Apple Fall Far From The PC?

July 12, 2012
I've been a PC user my entire life. From the time when the very basic IBM was brought into my home at 7 years old, I've always been faithful to my first love…

The Millennial Generation INFOGRAPHIC

July 8, 2012
After posting about the generational gap this week, I came across some very interesting (American) infographics…

What Brand Colours Say About Businesses INFOGRAPHIC

July 3, 2012
Ever wondered why Coca Cola uses red for their brand, or why Facebook and Twitter use blue? This infographic sheds some light on why certain brands are so strict with their colouring…

Is Social Media Making Us Socially Awkward?

June 25, 2012
I found this new INFOGRAPHIC I thought you all would enjoy…

E-Reading Trends INFOGRAPHIC

June 18, 2012
So many of my friends have purchased and use Kindles daily to consume their novels and reading materials…

The Digital Disruption INFOGRAPHIC

June 14, 2012
Today I stumbled upon this incredibly interesting INFOGRAPHIC about the history of digital disruption…
2 Mindsets

Film Friday: "WP How-To" + 2 Mindsets INFOGRAPHIC!

June 8, 2012
Today's film is more of a resource that I think will help 'up and coming' bloggers get off the ground…

How To Break Out Of A Creative Rut

June 6, 2012
I found this in my travels, and HAD to share: notice the influence on 'embracing disruption' or chaos…

Don't Be Tardy For The Twarty: How To Make 3.1MM Listen

June 5, 2012
There are few things left that we as brands can really do to garner the kind of desirable attention we're after…
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